Sunday, October 9, 2011

Living Dead?

Frankenstein comes to haunt and destroy, we all know that. The concepts and realities of zombies have become the new crave. Not only do people think they are cool and the new thing but people actually believe they are probable. Some say Jesus was the first Zombie. The reality of this new crave is something that I do not take lightly for the city I live in. I just attended a near 10,000 person festival. Known as the Terror of Two Cities. We broke the Guinness world record for most zombies in one place. I bought my ticket and makeup and looked really authentic zombie. Getting ready and chatting with friends was by far more fun then any other part of the evening. Not only did I cover up one of my eyes I also broke my foot so I had to walk in a boot. Now maybe with both of those together I became tired, grumpy, and down right angry that I left early. But I do have to acknowledge the prayer that was happening before and through this event. For this reason I do not blame it on my physical limitations but simply believe the Lord wanted to enlighten my eyes to see “The Rest of the Story.” I had read from my parent that Zombies come from an ancient belief and practice of Witchcraft. This is not surprising after attending such a spectacular and unforgettable night, but also because their are many in my city that practice Witchcraft and Satanism...not sure how to spell that. At any rate, this is what I learned and some thoughts of my inner being. Walking all over to band to band I saw people aimlessly walking, loud ruckus, zombie walking, swearing, horrible music all about sex, drugs, and more sex. That is the main reason I left other then a throbbing foot was the music and I can not even repeat in writing the words that made me yell inside so loud that I left quickly. I am not sure if you know the movie, “Night of the Living Dead” it is an older movie I think it came out in the 60’s but imagine 9,598 people zombified and walking like the living dead. As I waited for the train to come I thought wow though we dress up and pretend that we are the living dead, the sad reality is that many are living dead. My heart went out for that crowd. Now I understand and realize that not all people there are Satan worshippers or whatever you want to think is bad, but the reality of their souls and what they are searching for. I believe that they have a longing and passion to be loved and to be known. A deep passion was formed in my heart to be more opened minded and realization that many many many people around me are walking dead- they are not zombies, but they are my friends, my family, my co-workers... and I asked myself how often do I walk dead? Do I feed from the source of Christ or am I feeding off of “brains”-zombie food- from the world and what others say or believe. So to sum up my time there I know that I was to go to this festival this Zombie Crawl because the Lord wanted to widen my love and passion for this city.


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