Broken foot, broken truth?
So as you may already know from past posts I have broken my foot. I did not have to get a cast, but have been stuck in a walking boot for 4 weeks and will have to stay in it for at least 4 more weeks. It was a blow to me this morning after feeling no pain in my foot to hear from the doctor and see on the x-ray that my foot was still broken, not healing, and in all actuality looked more broke then when I first broke it. So let me share with you some of my thoughts that have come since this morning. I have such a desire to spread the truth of Christ Jesus to this community that is lost. They do not know that the love they desire is Christ. They are thirsty for Him, but are looking in the wrong areas: girlfriends, boyfriends, partners, drugs, clubs, you name it-really anything that brings them that momental place of bliss or feeling good about themselves. I don't want to sound conservative and there is one way to everything but in the sense of finding true authentic saving love there is only way. Call me whatever you wish but that is the truth. Years back I found myself buying clothes and grooming myself just so I would get attention, so people would see me and want to know me. I desired relationship so bad that I found myself opening up to people who didn't even care. But in the moment it felt good and I felt love. So please hear me out I have been there! So back to the point about the broken foot. Our culture has broken truth. Many people and phrases are leading people away: Live life for today, drink be merry for tomorrow you may die, its just a hookup, everyone does it, its only pot, being saved will bring you physical money... These phrases stem from something bigger...phrases that started from darkness. I believe the more truth and light that comes to a place the more opposition that will come because it responds to the light. Satan wants nothing other then people living ordinary lives never experiencing who they were truly created for. Since my broken foot especially today, though I think it has been good for me to sit down and relax in the presence of the Lord, I was very frustrated that it was not healing. I felt so much old desires, my past surfaced... I felt unloved. I was upset that I felt unloved, I was mad that at myself for my past and the dominos started to fall. And all over one thing- a broken foot. I did not stop to pray or to sit with the Father but dialogued with darkness- the lies, or should i say the phrases that are second best for me. I started to think why not do this or that- it is so much easier then ... AND THEN IT HIT ME... feeling my pain! See I was not created to ever feel pain, loss, hurt, rejection and either were any of us but because of some second best phrases and desires to be all knowing earth and all of creation has been cursed. Thus in order to experience this great and glorious life we must endure pain, but that is not the end of the story. Pain can cause us to see the deeper issue and see the bigger picture. As I was thinking this I was reminded that the Body of Christ will stump and crush Satan with their OWN feet! And here I am with a broken foot. The very part of the body that is used to signify the destruction of Satan. I am a threat to Satan. He sees how much the Lord loves me and will use me if I connect and press into the pain instead of shutting down. Satan knows my heart to spread the gospel and simple love of Christ. He is clever and I take this not lightly that my foot being broken and needed to sort through more pain has nothing to do with ministry or resting in the Lord more...BECAUSE it has everything to do with that. I will not stop I will fight! I do not want second best for myself, my family, my friends, or community. I want us all to see the true light and spread that light. Yes there is darkness all around but the light is growing! PRESS IN my friends, do not give in the easier solution of love for yourself. Experience the Father's love. Do you realize that Christ took everything we have done and will done upon Himself to reveal His love and grace to you? His purity and perfect: fulling best gave us the opportunity to be the best! And in addition makes us presentable to the Lord God- who is our Father. The Creator of the world looks down and does not see our old rags, does not see us as second best humans that screwed up but sees us as love. We cause Him to have that twinkle in His eye. He sees us as perfect and a good gift. SO broken foot, broken truth, broken relationship, broken family, broken perspective, broken self worth, broken sexuality, broken sexually, broken by abuse... whatever it is PRESS IN... sit with the Father of all fathers that can see your pain but also sees and calls you who you truly are. The beloved one of God. He sees you and is full of joy! Let us together not settle for second best phrases or lives. Let us rise up and claim our inheritance. The enemy will haunt us and try hard to get us to live like everyone else but STUMP him out by resting assured in Christ that our Father God loves us and calls us by name to His throne and says Beloved I released you from the snares of death now continue to live in my reality!
Broken foot stinks but these thoughts today have caused me to rejoice over this annoyance. Praise the Lord.
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